Nicholas Cunningham

BA in Art | Minor in Creative Writing

“COMICS” by Nicholas Cunningham

BA in Art | Minor in Creative Writing

I get a lot of comics, and I can look at a comic and tell immediately whether I’ll enjoy it or not. There are elements in the stories that I have no rapport with. I see dirty language, I see sleazy backgrounds; I see it reflected in the movies, the movies are comics to me. And I don’t see a sleazy world. I see hope. I see a positive world.” – Jack Kirby

While I was fairly new to comics back in 2013, I understood why many people have so much love for the medium. To read about characters such as superheroes, mages, aliens, and otherworldly concepts feels so breathtaking especially when they’re complemented by the spectacular art and visuals. When I read a comic, I don’t just see an interesting story; I’m looking into a brand-new world with the potential to be something greater. Comics, as well as animated media, have inspired me to both write and illustrate stories of my own; to create characters and mythos that people will remember for years to come.

Artist Statement