Dinorah Bernardini

BA in Art | Minor in Computer Science

“Ichi-e Media” by Dinorah Bernardini

BA in Art | Minor in Computer Science

Ichi-e Media is a video recording company that teams up with venues to capture quality videos for concertgoers. The goal is to encourage the audience to become immersed in the experience by decreasing cell phone usage during live performances. This is reflected in the name which was derived from the Japanese proverb “ichi-go, ichi-e”. The literal translation is “one time, one meeting,” and it is typically associated with Japanese tea ceremonies and Buddhist philosophies. The proverb encourages people to cherish life’s moments because they are all unique and will never occur exactly the same again. We would know this as the phrase “live in the moment” which is what some musicians want concertgoers to do at their shows. Ichi-e Media uses a mobile application to provide its users with quality, personalized recordings of the show. Whether the videos are kept for memories or to share on social media, the users can put their phones down and live in the moment

The ichi-e Media application is the place where concertgoers will have access to personalized video recordings of the shows they attend. Recoding equipment will be placed in all sections of participating venues to allow more personalized videos instead of only providing a single generic recording. This service will be included in the ticket cost, and users will be instructed to download the app before attending the concert. Once they arrive at the venue, users will find access points in the form of banners outside of each section entrance. These banners will have QR codes that are read into the app to let it know where each user will be seated. The entire concert will be broken down into short clips of each song performed, so users can quickly choose which videos they want to keep. For those who are worried about missing out on documenting a once in a lifetime experience, ichi-e Media is ready to do it for them.

Ichi-e Media. We Capture it so you can live it.

Artist Statement